

Indie Author Day is next Saturday!

Lovegrove Gallery and Gardens is hosting Indie Author Day again this year. The national event will take place on October 14 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. The meet and greet will showcase authors who have self-published, or Indie-published, their books. Similar gatherings will be held throughout North America. Partners include industry publications, library organizations, technical partners, and [...]

October 7th, 2017|Events, Gallery|

The Leoma Lovegrove Art Loft

The highlight of Leoma Lovegrove Day at Merrillville High School will be the dedication of the school's second floor art facilities as the "Leoma Lovegrove Art Loft." Yes, the school is naming the art loft for moi! It’s part of their effort to place a new emphasis on their performing and fine arts programs, and I’m [...]

October 4th, 2017|Art, Creative, Events|

Leoma Lovegrove Day

I graduated from Merrillville High School in Indiana in 1971. In the past, the school has honored students who've gone on to have successful sports careers in the NFL and NBA. But now the Merrillville School Board is honoring me with my own day. They've declared October 20, 2017 as Leoma Lovegrove Day and I couldn't be more thrilled [...]

October 3rd, 2017|Art, Creative, Events|