I am gratified to report that “Raise the Roof” for the Cape Coral Art League was a great success! It was attended by more than 70 people, and we all had a great time painting one of my colorful Florida fish. And special thanks to Vino’s Picasso owner Mercedes Price for all her hard work and boundless energy.
Vino’s Picassso owner Mercedes Price is my exclusive instructor in the USA and tonight, she walked the Raise the Roof participants through the easy-peasy process of creating their very own Lovegrove-inspired painting. She’s great and proves time in and time out that you absolutely don’t need any prior experience to make a painting of your own that you and your family will cherish forever.
Of course, I was there to offer insights, advice and encouragement to participants as Mercedes worked her magic.
The Cape Coral Art League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and all proceeds we raised tonight are being applied to the new roof the CCAL needs for its building at 516 Cultural Park Blvd., Cape Coral, FL. Chartered in 1965, the Cape Coral Art League promotes the advancement of art in Cape Coral and nearby areas. The current studio location was built and opened in the fall of 1984. A beautiful gallery addition was opened in April 1991. With the help of a state grant, a second art room studio was built in 2002 providing more space for art classes, workshops and many more art events.
The League offers year-round classes for adults, youth and children, eight major art exhibits each year in its gallery, other art shows, including their annual art fair, workshops with world-renowned artists and scholarship programs. If you missed the event, you can still make tax-deductible donations to the Cape Coral Art League, and if you want to join in on the fun and create your very own Lovegrove-inspired
painting, there’s still time to get in on a Vino’s Picasso class. They paint here in my gardens three times a week during season!
In the last photo, I am pictured with Cape Coral Art League President Suzanne Sims and CCAL Office Secretary Kimberly Clark Harris.