

Watch Claude Monet painting in his garden

For Throwback Thursday, I’m going to do something a little bit different. I’m going to take you back in time more than 100 years to the town of Giverny, France. As you hopefully know by now, I go to France once or twice each year to recharge my artistic batteries. During my time abroad, I typically [...]

July 6th, 2017|Art, Events|

‘My Studio’ returns to Broadway Palm in January

I have a thrilling announcement! In March of 2016, I performed a one-woman show at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre. It was called My Studio and was part of Broadway Palm’s Producer’s Sunday Brunch Series. During the show, I shared stories of my adventures, which included my many encounters with presidents, movie stars and other celebrities. [...]

July 5th, 2017|Art, Creative, Events|