

We all learned something during Slow Art Day

Yesterday, we celebrated Slow Art Day here at Lovegrove Gallery & Gardens. Although it is a worldwide event, there were only ten locations in all of Florida that observed Slow Art Day, and we were the only one south of Sarasota and east of Miami and West Palm Beach! Over a leisurely lunch catered by Bubba’s [...]

April 9th, 2017|Art, Events, Gallery|

Here’s to the crazy ones

A few weeks ago (March 21), I had the pleasure of sharing ideas about making life a work of art with more than 75 students at Florida SouthWestern State College. In fact, my remarks were broadcast live to an equal number of students at FSW’s Charlotte, Hendry/Glades and Collier campuses. And one of the messages I [...]

April 7th, 2017|Art, Creative, Events|

Bottle trees honor my sister

If you’ve ever been to Lovegrove Gallery & Gardens, you know that we only sell Saratoga Natural Spring Water. Made in Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Natural Spring Water is packaged in iconic cobalt blue glass bottles. The crisp, clean taste and low mineral content makes it a light and refreshing beverage for any occasion. Most people leave [...]

April 5th, 2017|Art, Gallery|